LFS-01 Pressure Switch

LFS-01 pressure switch is applied to detection of negative pressure, widely used in electrical appliance such as the vacuum cleaner, paking etc. It provides solder pin connections and is especially designed for mounting on "Printed Circuit boards".

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Specifications LFS-01

LFS-01 Pressure Switch

LFS-01 Pressure Switch

LFS-02 Pressure Switch

LFS-02 pressure switch is designed as an economical interface between pressure systems and Printed Circuit Boards. This switch can be used as a gauge or differential pressure switch with almost no hysteresis. Features of this switch include a body design that allows the pressure ports to be rotated, various terminal styles including wire leads. Strong and reliable, LFS-02 is a popular choice for many manufacturers.

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Specifications LFS-01

LFS-01 Pressure Switch

LFS-01 Pressure Switch

LF20  Pressure Switch

The LF20 pressure switch is specifically designed to stand up to extended duty applications. This switch is factory set but capable of field adjustment. It features different diaphragms for compatibility with a wide variety of fluids, and various terminations including a Metri-Pack connector that forms a tight seal when connected. Among the outstanding design benefits are its durable construction, compact size, and enhanced set point integrity.

It can be widely used for pool and spa, anti-skid braking systems, water pump systems, and dental air compressors, heavy construction, off road applications and other pressure control systems.

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Specifications LF20

LF20  Pressure Switch - orderRef1

LF20  Pressure Switch - orderRef2

LF25  Pressure Switch

LF25 pressure switch is to control the pressure of application with higher current catacity. It is widely used in stream cleaner, stream iron and othe pressure control system. It provides SPST or SPDT contact form and switch deadband (also referred to as mechanical differential or hysteresis).

LF25 switch utilize high-quality miniature snap-action switches. The switch is diaphragm operated. Diaphragm material can be selected for the opering medium, temperature range and other parmeters. During the development of a specification, acuation point can be adjusted by the designer, in production, factory setting is required.

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Specifications LF25

LF25  Pressure Switch

LF25  Pressure Switch